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Download Confessions of an Economic Hitman

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Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

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Confessions of an Economic Hitman

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 9 hours and 16 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Blackstone Audio, Inc. Release Date: April 28, 2005

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

John Perkins was interviewed and included in the Zeitgeist films at length... This is a MUST READ for anyone seeking the truth about the way the world really works. I don't think for a second any of this is misleading, I'm not sure what motive he would have to put out disinformation of this sort... He definitely has put himself on the hot seat for releasing the compelling and shocking information that is kept secret from the American public... I'm surprised he hasn't been taken out yet. Aside from being dynamic information that everyone should know and is compelling the whole way through, this book is a memoir and also a man's personal penance for the evil things he has done in the name of "national security" THANK YOU JOHN PERKINS.

This is a powerful book which offers substantial evidence for fighting the corporatocracy in all countries. It has strongly molded my understanding of hostility toward American foreign policy from the viewpoint of developing countries. The depicted abuse of influence over the world bank to encourage developing nations to take on US loans to pay US corporations for projects with inflated economic projections was astonishing. The author bluntly admits that these loans are never meant to be repaid, as all parties involved know the economic projections accompanying these infrastructure loans are bogus. Instead, it is a tool supporting US political power in international negotiations.The confusion came in the form of the author's insistence that corporations, left alone, are hurting foreign interests with or without government protection/assistance. He claims that corporations opening foreign factories and paying workers low wages hurts those people...that you'd think $1 a day is better than $0 a day, though in fact this is not the case. However, the author never supports this claim the way he supports other claims. While the support for corporatocracy hurting indigenous cultures was lucid and apparent, the damage done by corporations alone was not. This seems to highlight an internal struggle the author may have. On the one hand, he makes very clear that corporations' use of government to exploit other nations is a staggering problem, while on the other hand he seems to imply that government needs to be more involved with activities of corporations. See the contradiction here? Without further support, it's not clear that corporations, void of government partnership and subject to competitive market forces, are in any way unfavorable from either a production or consumption standpoint.

The very way the book was written lead one to wonder after reading the whole thing, "Was this a true account from someone who actually experienced it OR was it well-written fiction designed to match the times and events that occurred in the periods and nations represented." The whole idea of being a hit man is to do your job and move on to the next one anonymously, leaving no traces, ideally with a different M.O. to the extent possible. Perkins seems to have done that ... IF he really did anything ... IF he actually existed. IF, IF, IF ... the book left me plagued with doubt which is the best job a hit man can do, The most heinous crime is most successful when the authorities cannot determine whether it was a crime or an accident. The economic hit man can plant a seed and be two continents and a year or two away when the fruits of his labors emerge in the intended (or unintended) results.The book is definitely fascinating - a page turner. You have to decide whether it is real or fiction.

Well, well, well---another piece to the puzzle as to what constitutes the United States of America!Besides the curse of blood-stained hands from endless wars of aggression there is another sinister side to this country's quest for empire and world domination--the enslavement of countries and peoples through cleverly devised debt imposition--the same method our government uses on its own people. This debt imposition on foreign countries serves to enrich foreign rulers and US corporations while impoverishing the common people.Perkins was one of the people--a cog in the wheel --that made it all possible and when his conscience finally got the better of him he wrote a book about it.Students will not read about these economic hit men ion any American textbook. Nor will they, as adults, read about it in any periodical or hear about it on any newscast. Politicians will not tell them about it nor will their religious leaders. Yet there is this book by John Perkins describing the process in detail. But those in power--those responsible for this immoral conduct--will allow it to be published and made available to the public without fear of reprisal or consequences--just as they have the countless other books that have spoken truth to power detailing corruption, war-making and deceit by those in the highest offices. Why?? Because the average citizen in this country doesn't care one iota about anything that he perceives as not directly affecting the welfare of himself or his family. That plus the fact that very few people will ever hear of or read this book. People don't read any more--they are plugged into their machines of instant gratification and get the bulk of what they think is news from inane sources such as the Letterman show. Even if some do read it, they will soon forget and move on--continuing with their mundane lives completely oblivious to the world that is suffering and burning outside their doors.And me?? I know the truth--but even those who know the truth, they are powerless. There is nothing that can be done to stop the insanity. It is like death---Death eventually smiles at us all and the best a man can do is smile back.I give this book 5 Stars not because it was particularly well written but because it informs in a world desperately in need of being informed. Read it if you will but with the understanding and full knowledge that the truth shall not set you free."And There I Was" by DH Koester

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.

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